
I am a FODSI-Simons postdoctoral research fellow at UC Berkeley, hosted by Michael Jordan.

I completed my PhD at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Huy Lê Nguyễn and Jonathan Ullman. During my PhD, I interned at Apple, under the mentorship of Audra McMillan, and at IBM Research, under the mentorship of Thomas Steinke. My PhD research (thesis) has been generously supported by a Meta Fellowship (cohort of 2020), the Khoury PhD Research Award (2022), and a Northeastern University Dissertation Fellowship (2023).

Before joining Northeastern, I received the Electrical and Computer Engineering diploma from the National Technical University of Athens and the MSc on Logic, Algorithms, and Theory of Computation from the University of Athens. During my studies in Greece, I was advised by Dimitris Fotakis.

You can find my full CV here.




During Fall '18, I was a teaching assistant for the undergraduate course Algorithms and Data (CS3000), at Northeastern University. I also taught a couple of lectures on Intractability in this year's PhD-level Advanced Algorithms course, taught by Jon.

Between Fall '14 and Spring '17, I had been a teaching assistant for several courses at the National Technical University of Athens: Algorithms and Complexity (undergraduate and graduate), Algorithmic Game Theory (graduate), Social Networks (graduate), Computer Programming (undergraduate), and Introduction to Computer Science (undergraduate).



I like to sing! I very self-conciously put this back up here following Omer Reingold's encouragement, with the hope that I will start spending more time playing music soon.